Home inContext Ahmadinejad Comes to NY

Ahmadinejad Comes to NY

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visits the U.N. this week. TheJewish community has scheduled a mass protest rally (one might ask: why only Jews? ), while the hapless international decision-delaying organization ponders yet again whether to increase sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program. Read more about it in the NY Sun here.

Then there’s the ridiculous story coming out of Columbia University, where the president has invited Ahmadinejad to speak to the student body. That Mr. Bollinger thinks its acceptable to expose students to a holocaust denier is beyond reprehensible. He insists that he will ask the “tough questions.”

For more on the world according to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, see Lawrence Haas’ great piece in the last issue of inFocus.