Home inContext University of Delaware’s Muqtedar Khan: Another Anti-Israel Prof

University of Delaware’s Muqtedar Khan: Another Anti-Israel Prof

Asaf Romirowsky, who recently contributed to inFocus, was just blackballed from an academic panel at the University of Delaware because U of D political scientist Muqtedar Khan didn’t want to appear with a veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces. Michael Rubin offers an excellent synopsis of this outrage on National Review Online’s The Corner today, demonstrating yet again how academic extremism has become so commonplace on American campuses.

The program, which has now come and gone, was organized by several student groups. After bending to Khan’s demands, the school offered Romirowsky to come to campus next week and speak alone. Romirowsky should flatly refuse. The University has soiled its good name by giving in to Khan’s hate-mongering tactics.

Khan, for his part, is a Pentagon consultant. The Defense Department should consider this grounds for terminating that relationship.

See the extended text for Khan’s redacted email explaining why he did not want to appear with Romirowsky.

—— Original message ——
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 20:02:29 -0400
From: “Muqtedar Khan”
Subject: Re: Understanding Anti-Americanism Panel
To: [Names redacted]

Laura, I have to speak at the Pentagon tomorrow. My
workshop is from 12-4. I hope to catch the 5 pm
Acela from DC and will be back in town by 7 pm. I
will come directly, but may be late. I am also not
sure how I feel about being on the same panel with
an Israeli soldier who was stationed in West Bank.
Some people see IDF as an occupying force in the
West Bank. I am not sure that I will be comfortable
occupying the same space with him. It is not fair to
spring this surprise on me at the last moment.