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UNRWA Gets Mooned

Responding to reports of Palestinian terrorists who launched rockets at Israel from a school run by the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon has asked that UNRWA fully investigate this incident, according to a UN statement.

According to the reports, the Gaza Strip school in question had been evacuated during an Israeli military incursion. Terrorists entered the empty school and fired rockets at Israel in a gross violation of the UN’s privileges and immunities.

Many similar violations have been reported in recent years. Worth reading is Asaf Romirowsky’s recent piece that appeared in inFocus Quarterly documenting the many ways in which UNRWA has helped Hamas in recent years.

UNRWA should be dismantled, not investigated over one rocket volley. The agency perpetuates the Palestinian refugee problem. Until the rest of the world recognizes this, Congress should not give UNRWA one dollar in US tax money.