Home inContext Jerusalem Jockeying Continues Before Annapolis

Jerusalem Jockeying Continues Before Annapolis

The Jerusalem Post reports today that dozens of prominent Palestinian residents of Jerusalem published an appeal to the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, asking him not to make concessions to Israel over the holy city in upcoming peace negotiations.

A full-page newspaper ad, signed by 108 prominent Jerusalemites, including top Christian and Muslim leaders, did not make specific demands. However, the signatories asked Abbas not to negotiate a deal that would “violate our national rights” in the forthcoming peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland at the end of the month.

Olmert, for his part, has already signaled on several occasions that he is ready to make concessions over Israel’s capital. Looking at history as an indicator, I argue with Asaf Romirowsky in the American Thinker today that bartering with Jerusalem probably means that Olmert’s time in office is about to end.