Home inContext NYT Rejects Radio Ad On Sderot

NYT Rejects Radio Ad On Sderot

A radio station owned by the New York Times wont run a 60-second ad about Hamas bombings against Israel, the New York Post reports.

The American Jewish Committee spot reads: “Imagine you had 15 seconds to find shelter from an incoming missile… That’s all the residents of Sderot and neighboring Israeli towns have. Day or night, the sirens go on… This is what Israelis experience daily.” WQXR said that missiles arriving ‘day or night’ and ‘daily’ is “misleading” and did not factor in “reciprocal Israeli military actions.”

The Times often distorts the truth by attempting to be “balanced.” Several groups expose this, including HonestReporting and CAMERA.

For more on Israel’s challenges with the mainstream media, see the recent piece by Cliff May and Joshua Goodman in the new inFOCUS Quarterly.