Home inFOCUS Advice to the Next President (Fall 2008) Letter From the Publisher: The Challenges Ahead

Letter From the Publisher: The Challenges Ahead

The political season is in full swing. As a 501(c)3, we refrain from partisanship. But no matter who wins the White House in November, the enormous policy challenges ahead will be the same. Accordingly, inFOCUS solicited another gaggle of experts for advice on a wide range of topics for our next commander-in-chief.

Readers may note that this issue features two Iran articles (here and here). We felt that the threat of a nuclear Iran warranted more ink than any other subject.

We’re honored to feature in this issue a candid interview with former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, which covers a broad range of topics.

This journal also features an article by Kenneth Stein, who provides 13 points for the next president to heed. Indeed, it was Ken’s work that sparked the idea for the theme, “Advice for the Next President.”

We’re also proud to print a hard-hitting piece about Iraq by syndicated columnist Mona Charen, a regular panelist on the Jewish Policy Center’s national policy forums.

This journal, in fact, will be widely distributed at our forthcoming forums in Miami/Aventura (September 15), Las Vegas (September 21), Cleveland (October 12), and Detroit/Southfield (October 26).

All four of these events will be hosted by celebrated radio personality Michael Medved, and they are free to the public. To reserve seats, email us at info@jewishpolicycenter.org.

As always, we thank you for supporting the Jewish Policy Center.


Matthew Brooks