Home inContext Hezbollah Snubs Jimmy

Hezbollah Snubs Jimmy

Jimmy Carter is again in the Middle East seeking meetings with groups labeled as terrorist organizations by the U.S. government. Yesterday, after arriving in Lebanon, the former president stated that he requested an audience with Hezbollah. According to a Carter spokesperson, it was Hezbollah that declined the meeting.

Carter’s attempt to meet with the “A-Team of Terrorists” should come as no surprise. He met last April with Hamas. That, along with his book Palestine: Peace not Apartheid, which portrayed Hamas as a moderate political group, prompted widespread condemnation. Celebrated Middle East historian Kenneth Stein, who served on the board of the Carter Center at Emory University, resigned over Carter’s gross distortion of facts.

In an interview that appeared in the current issue of inFOCUS, Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz says that the Carter Center is “bought, paid for, and owned by Arab money.” He further notes that it is “a disgrace that a fine school like Emory University would allow its name to be polluted” by Carter.