Home inFOCUS Letter from the Publisher: Nuclear Proliferation

Letter from the Publisher: Nuclear Proliferation

Iran continues to inch closer to achieving the ultimate deadly weapon: the nuclear bomb. Nearly everyone in Washington seems to understand the dangers, yet what can be done to prevent this? Currently, Washington is pursuing a diplomatic offensive, to no avail. Sanctions may be next, but Chinese and Russian participation will be necessary if these financial measures are to have their desired impact. Ultimately, if diplomacy and sanctions fail, Israel may have little choice but to launch a pre-emptive strike.

This winter edition of inFOCUS features a series of sobering articles on nuclear proliferation around the globe. Kenneth Marcus, an expert on genocide and anti-Semitism, looks at the seriousness of the Iranian threat to “wipe Israel off the map.” Terrorism expert Steven Emerson addresses the dangers of Iran placing a nuclear weapon in the hands of terrorists. And Peter Huessy of the National Defense University stresses the importance of missile defense in this age of nuclear proliferation.

Our one-on-one interview with Dore Gold is another important read. The former Israeli ambassador to the U.N. discusses the most salient points of his new book, The Rise of Nuclear Iran.

This issue marks the end of our journal’s third year in print. If you appreciate our work, please consider making a generous donation to the JPC. As always, you may do so securely at www.jewishpolicycenter.org/contribute.php.


Matthew Brooks