Home inFOCUS Counterterrorism (Summer 2010) Letter from the Publisher: Counterterrorism Strategies

Letter from the Publisher: Counterterrorism Strategies

As America’s war in Afghanistan enters its ninth year, the need for effective counterterrorism strategies is paramount to winning the long war on radical Islam. The Ft. Hood massacre, the attempted Christmas Day bomber, Jihad Jane, and the failed Times Square bombing serve to remind us that the battlefield is not only in Afghanistan and Iraq but in our own backyard as well.

At a time when creative thinking about domestic and foreign policy seems to be in short supply, the Jewish Policy Center is happy to offer this summer edition of inFOCUS Quarterly. Inside, we examine the successes and failures of America’s counterterrorism strategies. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies looks at the issue of homegrown terrorism, while Jeff Smith from the American Foreign Policy Council examines U.S. strategy in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Col. (Res.) Dr. Shaul Shay, Israel’s former Deputy National Security Advisor, discusses the lessons from the Israeli experience in asymmetric warfare. And Thomas Marks highlights the central role lawfare now plays in irregular conflict, such as the recent Turkish sponsored flotilla to Gaza.

Be sure to read our one-on-one interview with former Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff. He underscores the importance of being candid about the enemy we are facing both at home and abroad.

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Matthew Brooks
Executive Director