Home inFOCUS A Palestinian State? (Fall 2011) Letter from the Publisher: A Palestinian State?

Letter from the Publisher: A Palestinian State?

With the Palestinian Authority’s decision to walk away from peace negotiations with Israel, they have turned to unilateral measures to create a state. From forming a unity government with Hamas in May to bypassing and ignoring Israel in an attempt to bring a vote on statehood before the United Nations in September, it is becoming increasingly clear that Palestinian leaders are more concerned with prosecuting and deligitimizing Israel in the court of public opinion, than they are with negotiating an end of the conflict with Israel.

At a time when the issue of Palestinian statehood has been pushed to the fore, the Jewish Policy Center is pleased to present this edition of inFOCUS on the current Palestinian push to declare a state without negotiating with Israel. This issue examines the history of the Palestinian plan for a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) and the role of the UN in Palestinian rejectionism. This edition also examines the possible scenarios that could arise from the diplomatic maneuvering at the UN and beyond as well as what it will mean for Israel, Palestinians, and the United States.

Be sure to read our one-on-one interview with former Israeli chief of defense intelligence, Amos Yadlin. He elaborates on the threats facing the Jewish state in light of the Palestinian plan and the Arab upheaval around the Middle East.

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Matthew Brooks
Executive Director