Home inContext Netanyahu Sets Record Straight at the UN

Netanyahu Sets Record Straight at the UN

He’s done it again. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the UN General Assembly Friday and reminded the audience that he’s a master orator. Netanyahu extended a hand in peace to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas—a gesture that will be rebuffed—while he carefully laid out a case for the United Nations’ single-minded condemnation of Israel.

“It’s here, year after year that Israel, is unjustly singled out for condemnation,” said Netanyahu. Indeed, of all the General Assembly resolutions, 21 out of 27 condemn Israel. That is more than all of the other nations combined, although Israel, a tiny, multi-ethnic country, is the freest country in the region, according to Freedom House.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu speaking at the UN on Sept. 23.

On Thursday Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered a speech at the United Nations where he condemned the United States and European countries as “arrogant powers.” The Iranian president’s comments calling the 9/11 attacks a mystery prompted a walkout. Netanyahu responded to those comments during his address.

“Last night I laid a wreath on the 9/11 memorial. It was deeply moving,” said Netanyahu. “But as I was going there, one thing echoed in my mind: the outrageous words of the president of Iran on this podium yesterday.” The Israeli Prime Minister pointed out some delegates left the hall and argued that all the delegates “should have.”

Reut Cohen is a JPC contributor. She is pursuing her master’s at the University of Southern California and is author of the blog www.reutrcohen.com.