Home inContext Israel 2nd Most Educated Country

Israel 2nd Most Educated Country

Israel is the world’s second most educated country, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) 2011 Education at a Glance report. With 45% of Israelis earning university degrees, Israel outranks countries such as Japan (44%), the U.S. (41%), the UK (37%), and comes second only to Canada’s impressive 50%.

Israel was also recognized for its financial investment in education, 78% of which comes from public funds. However, despite this success, the report finds that the rate in which Israelis are obtaining their post-secondary degrees is declining. This may be related to Israel’s escalating population, which has grown 19.02% from 2000-2009 — a rate higher than any other OECD country.

The report also notes that the country’s GDP per capita is relatively low at $27,690 — placing Israel at the 12th lowest spot among the 34 OECD member states and reflecting that despite educational accomplishments, Israelis possess significantly limited purchasing power.

OECD’s Education at a Glance ultimately finds that the countries with the most educated populace are also among the wealthiest countries in the world. This demonstrates that education, an essential investment in human capital, is a vital factor for economic success and diversification. As Israel’s population continues to grow it will be of utmost importance to maintain its dedication to education.