Home inFOCUS Government and Government Overreach (Fall 2013) Letter from the Publisher

Letter from the Publisher

In the Fall 2013 edition of inFOCUS Quarterly, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich defines “American exceptionalism” as the unique freedom the Founders vested in the citizens and the remarkable creative talent that free people generate. Our federal government, however, has become increasingly intrusive and individual choice has given way to “government by experts.” Washington tells us how to learn, how to care for the ill and aged, how to save for retirement, and how much we will pay for the government to make those decisions for us.

Is it too late to return “power to the people”?

As a strong believer in smaller government, The Jewish Policy Center put the question to our authors: How can we maximize individual control? Their answers are food for thought. Roger Pilon of the Cato Institute looks back in our history to show us how we arrived at this state of affairs. Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey reminds us that not every system that has an election is a democracy. Anne Neal and William Gonch of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute, and Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute offer concrete steps that would restore more individual control to higher education, Social Security, and healthcare policy respectively. Eileen O’Connor, a former Assistant Attorney General, tackles fairness and accountability in the tax code. Sterling Burnett of the National Center for Policy Analysis and Congressman Rob Bishop make the case that less federal regulation would produce more domestic energy and better land management.

Don’t miss the full interview with former Speaker Gingrich, one of the most creative minds in Washington and an optimist about America’s future.

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Matthew Brooks, Executive Director