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Video: Palestinian Aid and Funding Terrorism

In the wake of the recent battle between the terrorist group Hamas, which runs Gaza, and the State of Israel, the Biden Administration plans to offer reconstruction assistance to Gaza. To avoid handing U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas, which, as a terrorist entity, is categorically not eligible, and which has a long history of corruption, there is a current push to hand the money to the Palestinian Authority.  Mr. Gerber will discuss the flaws in that proposal—even apart from the deep corruption endemic to PA leaders. If the goal in the region is to facilitate peaceful co-existence between the Palestinians and Israel, then a new, uncorrupted, NGO is needed to administer this aid.

Sander Gerber helped author the 2018 Taylor Force Act, which forbids any U.S. government funding to entities that pay others to kill Americans, directly, or via widely promoted “pay for slay” programs. He is the chief executive of Hudson Bay Capital Management, a distinguished fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, and a fellow at the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs.

Mentioned during the presentation: What If the Palestinian Authority Disbands?