Home Press Release Michael Medved to Host Dec. 9 JPC Forum on Middle East Policy...

Michael Medved to Host Dec. 9 JPC Forum on Middle East Policy in San Francisco

Washington, D.C.- The Jewish Policy Center today announced that its next nationally celebrated policy forum will take place in San Francisco, CA, at Congregation Emanu-El on December 9, at 7:00 pm.

Hosted by popular radio talk show personality Michael Medved, the event is entitled, “American Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Dangerous Times in a Dangerous Neighborhood.”

The panel for December 9 features John Podhoretz, the new editorial director of Commentary magazine, syndicated columnist Mona Charen, and Dennis Prager, syndicated talk show host and best-selling author.

The event in San Francisco is free to the public, but registration is required. The JPC’s toll-free RSVP line is (800) 748-3992.

“San Francisco will be a great venue to close out 2007, after a year of successful JPC Forums around the country,” said JPC Executive Director Matt Brooks.

The Jewish Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing analysis on foreign policy, economic and social issues. The JPC’s website is www.JewishPolicyCenter.org.

The JPC publishes inFocus Quarterly, a printed and online collection of scholarly essays that focus on a specific policy theme each quarter. Essays are written by some of the top experts and academics around the world. The current issue of inFocus tackles the challenges of Hamas-controlled Gaza. The previous issue addressed the Iranian challenge to world security.

To view video of a recent JPC Forum, featuring Medved and May, along with scholar Daniel Pipes and pundit David Horowitz, see “The Fight Against Radical Islam and the New Anti-Semitism on Campus.”

CONTACT: Jonathan Schanzer
PHONE: 202-638-2411