Home inContext BBC Admits Faulty Israel Reporting

BBC Admits Faulty Israel Reporting

The BBC apologized for significant errors in recent news reports on Israel, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Anchor Geeta Guru-Murthy said: “we would like to clarify a report we heard at this hour last Friday about the attack by a Palestinian gunman on a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem. In the report, the day after the attack, BBC World said that the gunman’s home in east Jerusalem had been demolished by the Israeli authorities. That was not correct, and the images broadcast were of another demolition.” The fabrication was exposed by Boston-based media monitor CAMERA.

Israel faces daily battles against the likes of BBC and other mainstream media outlets that distort Israel’s daily battle for survival. Cliff May and Joshua Goodman document this long battle in their recent article entitled Israel and the War of Ideas that appears in the newest issue of inFOCUS Quarterly.