Dr. Aaron Lerner at IMRA notes today that an Israeli Arab NGO receiving funds via the New Israel Fund is complaining that Israel violates the human rights of Palestinian terrorists who murder Israelis by “classifying political prisoners as ‘security prisoners’.”
The NGO, Adalah, released a communique in honor of what they call “Palestinian Prisoners’ Day,” protesting the “denial of the freedom of over 10,000 Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli prisons.” Adalah also tries to argue that the Palestinian prisoners are treated unfairly, drawing tired parallels to Apartheid South Africa. Read the rest of the release here.
Daniel Doron, in the most recent issue of inFOCUS Quarterly, exposes the New Israel Fund for supporting groups like Adalah. Indeed, many American Jews have donated to the NIF with the intention of backing pro-Israel causes. When NIF supports groups like Adalah, it does exactly the opposite. Read Doron’s piece here.