Home Press Release Jewish Policy Center Announces Atlanta Forum

Jewish Policy Center Announces Atlanta Forum

Washington, D.C.- The Jewish Policy Center is pleased to announce our next national policy forum in Atlanta: “The Middle East Erupts: What Does it Mean and What is Our Strategy.” The panel will be hosted by best-selling author and nationally-syndicated radio talk show host Michael Medved.


Jonathan Schanzer, Vice President of Research at Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Michael Eisenstadt, Senior Fellow and Director, The Washington Institute’s Military and Security Studies Program

Lee Smith, Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute

Monday, October 27. Registration at 6:30pm. Program Begins at 7pm.

Location: Atlanta Jewish Academy, 5200 Northland Drive, Atlanta, GA 30342

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Questions? Email: RSVP@jewishpolicycenter.org No cost to attend but registration is required.