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To the Moon

Shoshana Bryen
The earth and the moon from Beresheet

The Jewish Policy Center is awed by the technological capability and faith in its scientists Israel has shown in sending the Beresheet (the Beginning) space probe to the moon. By landing, Israel will join rarified company; only the United States, the USSR (now Russia), India, Japan and China have gone before.

It is inspiring that Israel, a small, beleaguered country can expend resources both to defend its people and to advance science to serve mankind. From water technology to medicine to robotics to the moon, Israel is what happens when people are free to learn, to seek, to think and to dream.

That freedom was exhibited by Israelis in a less global, but no less extraordinary, parliamentary election this week. All of Israel’s citizens – men and women of all religions and dozens of ethnic and cultural backgrounds – chose their government without fear of repercussion for their choices, and secure in the knowledge that their votes were fairly counted.

In a part of the world characterized by despotism, civil war, cross border war, repression, hatred, and kleptocracy, Israel’s free, fair, open, and peaceful election runs a close second to the accomplishment as Beresheet.

The Trustees and Fellows of the Jewish Policy Center applaud Israel’s accomplishments and look forward to many more successes.