Home Efraim Inbar

Efraim Inbar

Articles By Efraim Inbar

Hezbollah’s Expanding Threat in Africa

October 10, 2024

The IDF is battling Hezbollah in Lebanon to enable Israel’s 85,000 displaced citizens to return safely to their homes. Less known is the significant security challenge Hezbollah poses to Israel and the United States in Africa. Hezbollah, with Iran’s backing, has steadily expanded its financial and operational presence across the African continent, establishing networks that […]

Escalation vs. Restraint: The Strategic Dilemma for Israel

August 6, 2024

Governments in many capitals of the world have repeatedly expressed apprehensions about escalation of the Gaza conflict and Hezbollah’s war of attrition against Israel. They fear greater violence, more casualties and an expansion in the number of regional participants in the war. United States President Joe Biden sent aircraft carriers to the region signaling his desire […]

Video: Letting the Palestinian Authority into Gaza?

June 6, 2024

Cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank—in which the PA governs the territory but Israel exercises overriding security control—is the best solution for Gaza after the IDF withdraws, veteran Israeli security expert Efraim Inbar said Thursday. Israel wants a “modest thing: freedom of military action after we leave Gaza,” Inbar told […]

Efraim Inbar