Russia: An ‘Organized Crime’ State Driven to Undermine U.S. Interests (Video)
Today’s Russia is an “organized crime” state intent on “playing the spoiler” to U.S. interests around the world. So agreed a panel of Russia experts at a Jewish Policy Center luncheon in Washington, D.C. on December 7. It is important for American policy makers “not to project our own values and thinking” onto the Russian […]
Cybercrime: Russian Tools to Infiltrate, Subvert, and Control
Russia and its next generation warfare, sometimes called hybrid or non-linear warfare, understands cyberspace as a decisive arena for modern combat in which information can become weaponized. Chief of the Military General Staff Vladimir Garasimov explained this in a 2013 article titled “The Value of Science in Prediction.” Understanding that the line between war and […]
Cyber Threats and Russian Information Warfare
In his confirmation hearing to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford on July 9, 2015, told the U.S. Senate Armed Services committee that Russia currently poses the greatest global threat to the United States. While many understood this assessment as based on Russia’s new aggressiveness, its nuclear modernization program and […]