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Stephen Bryen

Articles By Stephen Bryen

The US Will Build an Iron Dome Air Defense System

January 28, 2025

Note: The US does not have a fully integrated air defense system for the continental United States. And it does not yet have a system that can intercept the emerging threat of hypersonic ballistic missiles and delivery systems including hypersonic glide vehicles. The current hodge-podge of US ballistic missile defenses is, therefore, not necessarily a […]

Russia’s Deal With Iran and Middle East Peace

November 4, 2024

According to Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, Russia is close to signing a comprehensive treaty with Iran that will include defense cooperation. At the moment, there is no text of the agreement nor any detailed description of its actual contents. Yet hidden behind the Russia-Iran deal is a bid by Russia to become the “peace broker” in […]

Not Your Grandfather’s NATO

October 2, 2024

NATO, once a simple defensive alliance, now faces a crisis. Today, NATO is a huge multinational alliance of 32 countries, far larger and covering vastly more territory than the original 12 countries. In raw numbers, it has a potential military force of 3.5 million people and covers 25.07 million square kilometers (15.58 million square miles) […]