Celebrating Israel at 60 (Spring 2008)

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    Defusing the Demographic Time Bomb

    Bennett Zimmerman and Michael Wise Spring 2008 0
    In an historic and pivotal speech before the Knesset in May 2003, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon shocked his nation by announcing that Israel would...

    The Forgotten Jewish Refugees From Arab States

    Robert Ivker Spring 2008 0
    In February 2008, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators were discussing "core issues" of the Middle East conflict: the status of Jerusalem, the building of Jewish...

    The Threat From Israel’s Arab Population

    Barak M. Seener Spring 2008 0
    While Iran and Syria, along with their proxies Hamas and Hizbullah, are often cited as Israel's primary security concerns, Israeli Arabs are a growing...

    The Second Mutation: Israel and Political Anti-Semitism

    Kenneth L. Marcus Spring 2008 0
    In 1948, the creation of the State of Israel appeared a viable solution to the age-old problem of anti-Semitism. After the Holocaust, it was...

    Christian Zionism and the U.S.-Israel Relationship

    Jonathan Calt Harris Spring 2008 0
    American Christian support for Israel is perhaps at an all-time high. Christian-hosted events to "honor Israel" occur around the country year-round and routinely draw...

    The Battle to Define ‘Pro-Israel’

    Noah Silverman Spring 2008 0
    "If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this," Virginia...

    U.S. Charity to Israel Reconsidered

    Daniel Doron Spring 2008 0
    American Jewish support for Israel was essential for the state's creation and is vital for its future prosperity. The American Jewish community has given...