Counterterrorism (Summer 2010)

    Home inFOCUS Counterterrorism (Summer 2010)

    Assessing U.S. Counterterrorism Strategies

    Michael Chertoff Summer 2010 0
    iF: The Obama administration decided to abandon the term "war on terror" in favor of "overseas contingency operation." Is this a semantic shift, or...

    Playing with Fire in Pakistan

    Jeff M. Smith Summer 2010 0
    That a Pakistani-born U.S. national was responsible for the latest attempted terrorist attack on U.S. soil should come as little surprise. Pakistan has stood,...

    Remote Control Counterterrorism

    James S. Robbins Summer 2010 0
    Targeted killings have become the nation's primary tool in the war on terrorism. The rise of remote-control counterterrorism has come about as the result...

    Preclusionary Engagement

    Jon B. Perdue Summer 2010 0
    Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus Cunctator, known to modernity simply as Fabius, served as a Roman general during the second century BC. He remains relevant...

    Armageddon and the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism

    Chuck Freilich Summer 2010 0
    President Obama recently convened a global summit on the threat of nuclear terrorism, an issue that he considers to be the greatest danger currently...

    Countering the Threat from Terrorist Media

    Mark Dubowitz Summer 2010 0
    The Long War against radical Islam is a war of ideas as much as a war of arms. Yet, for much of the past...

    Iran’s Global Terrorist Reach

    Walid Phares Summer 2010 0
    The United States became painfully aware of the threat posed by global jihadism after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Until that day,...