Borders, Nations and Conflict (Spring 2014)

    Home inFOCUS Borders, Nations and Conflict (Spring 2014)

    Iran’s Nuclear Shadow

    Emanuele Ottolenghi Spring 2014 0
    During the past decade, Western diplomats have been engaged in protracted negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran over its nuclear program. Though a...

    Middle East Atlas Doesn’t Exist on the Ground

    Maj. Gen. Amos Gilad Spring 2014 0
    inFOCUS: This issue of inFOCUS Magazine is called "Nations, Borders and Conflict," and generally looks at Israel's neighbors. As you do the 10,000-foot view...

    Identity and Loyalty in Islam and the Middle East

    Harold Rhode Spring 2014 0
    Westerners strive to solve problems. When people appear obstinate, we often indignantly say, "Are you part of the solution, or part of the problem?"...

    Arc of Instability or Shiite Crescent?

    Clare M. Lopez Spring 2014 0
    A view is taking hold across the Middle East and beyond that the United States is determined to implement a policy of withdrawal from...

    America Must Recognize Kurdistan

    Now that the Geneva "peace" convocation has predictably collapsed, so too has America's paradigm for Syria that—at various times—has favored Shiites (Alawite President al-Asad)...

    Terror Strikes Again in Egypt

    The collapse of government and the anarchy that spread over Egypt right after the Mubarak regime was toppled led to the release and escape...

    War Front to Store Front

    Shoshana Bryen Spring 2014 0
    One Slice of the Iraq War Americans, by a fairly wide margin, tell pollsters that the Iraq war "wasn't worth it." This reflects, perhaps, an...