Asia (Summer 2015)

    Home inFOCUS Asia (Summer 2015)

    China, the U.S., and the Geopolitics of Energy

    Daniel Blumenthal Summer 2015 0
    Over the next 15 years, the United States and People's Republic of China (PRC) will be the prime movers in the international energy market....

    “Global Commons”

    Ambassador Jon Huntsman Summer 2015 0
    inFOCUS: Have we actually realigned our policies, military and otherwise, to focus more heavily on Asia? And secondly, how does that make the people...

    ONI Reveals Massive Chinese Naval Buildup

    Bill Gertz 0
    The Office of Naval Intelligence, in its first unclassified assessment of the Chinese navy in six years, revealed deployment of the new YJ-18 supersonic...

    The Pyongyang-Tehran Proliferation Problem

    Peter Brookes and Rachel Zissimos 0
    Without question, the various activities of North Korea and Iran are worrisome enough individually for American interests that the prospects of them working together...

    Sunflowers and Umbrellas: Tales of Taiwan & Hong Kong

    Julia Famularo Summer 2015 0
    In 2014, students and activists in Taiwan and Hong Kong took to the streets to mount sustained and vigorous challenges to official government policies....

    Of Monarchs and Military Men: Thailand & Burma

    Kelley Currie Summer 2015 0
    In late April of this year, villagers foraging for mushrooms in the southern Thai jungles stumbled across a filthy, ragged, and emaciated man who...

    The Hundred-Year Marathon

    Shoshana Bryen Summer 2015 0
    China's Context and America's You want to root for a book written as a mea culpa for forty years of government service in which the...