The Challenges Abroad (Winter 2010)

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    U.S. Challenges in Lebanon and Syria

    Mustafa Abul Mahasen Winter 2010 0
    Few were the countries whose attention was not completely distracted by Egypt's events. Lebanon, a self-preoccupied small nation with endless political bickering, was halfheartedly...

    A Rapidly Changing World

    Douglas Feith Winter 2010 0
    iF: Looking around the rapidly changing world, what do you see as the top foreign policy challenges abroad? DF: In the area of most rapid...

    Regenerating U.S.-Turkish Relations in 2011

    The controversial trajectory of Turkish foreign policy in the past eight years, not to mention the concurrent decline in Turkish public perceptions of the...

    Iran: From Eschatology to 21st-Century Foreign Policy

    Clare Lopez Winter 2010 0
    The United States faces no greater foreign policy challenge than managing the threat from the jihadist regime in Tehran while also standing unequivocally with...

    Unsettled U.S.-Israel Relations in an Unsettled Middle East

    Richard Baehr Winter 2010 0
    The United States and Israel are facing some very troubling and unsettling developments in the three largest Muslim countries in the Middle East. In...

    Egypt at a Crossroads

    Joshua R. Goodman Winter 2010 0
    While January's protests in Tunisia that ousted former President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali signaled the beginning of the current wave of unrest spreading through...

    The Problem with Pakistan

    Mark Silinsky Winter 2010 0
    If the counterinsurgency (COIN) in Afghanistan is America's longest war, it is also among its more complicated. Insurgencies have their own sets of confusions,...

    Latin American Challenges

    Luis Fleischman Winter 2010 0
    "I think the United States sees everything upside down, at least part of the world," said Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in an October 2010...

    Winning the Long War

    Samara Greenberg Winter 2010 0
    Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam Three years after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, better...