Russia - Back to the USSR or Back to the Tsar (Winter 2014)

    Home inFOCUS Russia - Back to the USSR or Back to the Tsar (Winter 2014)

    Russian Counterterrorism Policy

    Joshua Sinai Winter 2014 0
    As of early 2014, the terrorist threats against Russia and its counterterrorism measures will be in the spotlight, propelled by the April 15, 2013...

    The Importance of America’s Strategic Deterrent

    Senator Jon Kyl Winter 2014 0
    inFocus: Thank you very much, Senator Kyl, for agreeing to talk with the readers of inFOCUS. How would you characterize U.S.-Russian relations since the...

    Russian Cyber Capabilities, Policy and Practice

    David J. Smith Winter 2014 1
    Although most commentators on cyber threats to the United States appear fixated on China, we ignore Russia at our peril. "Unlike China," Jeffrey Carr...

    Russia and the Authoritarian Axis Rising

    William C. Martel Winter 2014 0
    It takes time for societies and policymakers to grasp when dramatic changes are underfoot. This delay in recognition can happen even when a major...

    Russia’s Engagement in Africa

    Karen Saunders Winter 2014 0
    In the context of Russia's increasingly authoritarian actions at home and abroad, what do its policies of engagement in Africa indicate about its intentions...

    Moscow’s Middle East Policy

    Mark N. Katz Winter 2014 0
    When Vladimir Putin first came to power over a decade ago, he launched a foreign policy initiative to improve Russia's relations with and influence...

    Implosion: The End of Russia and What it Means for America

    Shoshana Bryen Winter 2014 0
    It takes a certain chutzpah to write a book that announces something will—or won't—happen, and that if it does or does not happen the...